
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Goal: My goal today was to learn to probe. I'll be honest though, I was really nervous because I was afraid to be the patient. I didn't know if it was going to hurt or not. I also didn't want to hurt my pt.
Today: I passed off my extraoral, vitals, and my mirror PE. That felt good to get that off my chest. I practiced probing on Tiff. She said it didn't even hurt and that she could only feel it like once. It was the same when I was the patient.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Goal: Today we did exploring. My goal was to learn to fulcurm properly and adapt the explorer.
I felt like I learned how to do it better but at the same time I need a lot more work. My goal for next time is to feel even more comfortable with it.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Goal: To learn to use my explorer on one of my classmates. To practice using the correct instrument grasp.
Today: We practiced using a correct instrument grasp on dexter. Then we did the same thing on a partner in clinic. I felt like I went really slow because I'm just learning how to use the explorer and I didn't want to lacerate my partner.
Goal for next time: Pass off my health history PE.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I was glad that we went over what the certain structures were in the mouth because I wasn't sure what some of them were. I found out that I have palatine torus. I didn't even know that I had it. I just thought it was normal to have it. Pretty funny, huh. Prof. Skeen showed me how to use the explorer on the typodont.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Today we learned about the extra oral examination. I wanted to learn a lot about it because I read in the book, but I felt like I didn't fully understand. I needed to see it done to acctually get it. I feel a lot more comfortable with it now. The lady came to talk about that vision thing but I don't know if I'll really need them or not. The fulcruming was a little tricky. It was good that we got good practice with it.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Today we took blood pressure and vitals. I havn't took blood pressure on someone since high school. So it was a good opportunity to relearn it. I had hoped to learn it better today and I now feel like I can take vitals acurately. I also passed off my pt positioning PE. I am so happy that I passed it off because I was nervous about it. I felt like we accomplished a lot today.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My goal for today was to learn how to make a chart. The first thing that we did for class was look up drugs. We had to know the name, dosage, and the affects on dental patients. After that we recovered our own medical histories. I interviewed Meredith and she did the same to me. We created charts for ourselves. After, I practiced chair positioning because I feel like I need a little more work in that area. I passed off my PE for protective equipment. My goal for next time is to pass off my next PE which is tearing down of our units.