
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Today was my mockboard for local anesthesia. I havn't gotten the results back yet but they didn't say withdraw or anything. So hopefully that's a good thing. This afternoon I am seeing a new patient. I feel like the mockboard went fairly well but who knows if I passed or not.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Yesterday my patient cancelled in the morning on me. Then in the afternoon I had to get a physician's consult. I was lucky to get it back a half hour before I had to check out. So I was able to get something done yesterday.
I need to find a board patient so bad. I feel like they are impossible to find.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Today was mockboard. My patient didn't qualify. He only had 8 spots and I needed 12 spots of calculus. I was bumbed out. Then I thought he would count as a class 2 but apparently he didn't have enough bone loss. Today was such a bumber. Hopefully I find a better patient for next mockboard.