
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Today I saw a class 3 this morning. I used him as my exam patient. In the afternoon I saw a class 5 exam and then I finished up 2 quads of a class three that I already started. She was my board patient last semester. For boards next week I didn't have a patient. My husband talked to his friend at work and his friend said that he hadn't had his teeth cleaned in a long time. So I went out to his work to check to see if he would qualify. I hope that he qualifies. I think that he does but it's kind of boarder line.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I did my production day today. This is when we try to see 2 patients in the morning and the afternoon. In the morning I saw a class 1B and a 1A. In the afternoon, I saw 2 class 1A patients.
I feel more comfortable about seeing more patients up at Weber clinic now. In the afternoon I was actually done early because they were brothers and I could just plop the next one in the chair after I was done with the first one.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Today I saw a pregnant lady in the morning. She was only a class 1B but she had pretty inflamed tissues. I think it was because she had pregnancy gingivitis. She was really sensitive thought. When I probed her teeth, she was jumping out of the chair. In the afternoon, I saw a returning class 3 patient. She brought me a Christmas gift. I thought it was so nice of her. I could of finished her all in one appointment but she likes to get numb. She didn't want to be numb everywhere, so I rescheduled her.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm not going to lie. Today was not my favorite day. I started off the semester kind of bad. I scheduled a new patient and his wife. He didn't show up this morning and so I knew that his wife wasn't going to show up this afternoon. I called everyone I could think of. I got a hold of my mother n law and she said she could come up this afternoon for me. Then she called me and cancelled a half hour before the appt. I got a patient that walked in, in the afternoon. He was only three quads of a five. I feel like it is harder to get patients this semester.